Eyal Gofer
Visiting Fellow
Machine learning, computer vision, and image processing
Experts with Lower-Bounded Loss Feedback: A Unifying Framework
Gofer E., Gilboa, G.
arXiv, 2020
Journal Papers
Adaptive LiDAR Sampling and Depth Completion using Ensemble Variance arxiv
Gofer E., Praisler, S., Gilboa, G.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pages 8900-8912, 2021 -
A DREAM Challenge to Build Prediction Models for Short-Term Discontinuation of Docetaxel in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Seyednasrollah, F., Koestler, D. C., Wang, T., Piccolo, S. R., Vega, R., Greiner, R., Fuchs, C., Gofer, E., Kumar, L., Wolfinger, R. D., et al.
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, vol. 1, pages 1-15, 2017 -
Lower Bounds on Individual Sequence Regret
Gofer, E., Mansour, Y.
Machine Learning vol. 103(1), pages 1-26, 2016 -
Discovery and Validation of Novel Peptide Agonists for G-protein-coupled Receptors
Shemesh, R., Toporik, A., Levine, Z., Hecht, I., Rotman, G., Wool, A., Dahary, D., Gofer, E., Kliger, Y., Ayalon Soffer, M., Rosenberg, A., Eshel, D., Cohen, Y.
Journal of Biological Chemistry vol. 283(50), pages 34643-34649, 2008 -
Predicting Proteolytic Sites in Extracellular Proteins: Only Halfway There
Kliger, Y., Gofer, E., Wool, A., Toporik, A., Apatoff, A., Olshansky, M.
Bioinformatics vol. 24(8), pages 1049-1055, 2008
Conference Papers
Theoretical Foundations for Pseudo-Inversion of Nonlinear Operators arxiv
Gofer, E., Gilboa, G.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), 2023 -
Higher-Order Regret Bounds with Switching Costs
Gofer, E.
Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2014 -
Regret Minimization for Branching Experts
Gofer, E., Cesa-Bianchi, N., Gentile, C., Mansour, Y.
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2013 -
Lower Bounds on Individual Sequence Regret
Gofer, E., Mansour, Y.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), 2012 -
Regret Minimization Algorithms for Pricing Lookback Options
Gofer, E., Mansour, Y.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), 2011 -
Pricing Exotic Derivatives Using Regret Minimization
Gofer, E., Mansour, Y.
Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT), 2011